Peek-A-Boo Trails Wraps Summer Raffle
To Support Mountain Biking in Les Cheneaux

CEDARVILLE, MI (September 2024) – The Peek-A-Boo Trails advisory committee recently announced the winners of its third annual raffle to benefit the under-construction trail system in Cedarville.

This year’s first place winner was Rosaline Mather of Akron, Ohio. The raffle’s top prize offered a choice of either a Rocky Mountain Fusion 30 bike, valued at more than $1000, or $1000 cash. Ms. Mather opted for the cash – and then immediately donated half back to the Peek-A-Boo Trails in a gesture of significant generosity.

“We continue to be surprised, if not overwhelmed, by the interest and support of our trails project,” said David Murray, Chairman of the Peek-A-Boo Trails Advisory Committee. “For Rosaline to give half of her winnings back to the trail is really something special. We can’t say thank you enough.”

Two other prizes were drawn: John Cook, of Indianapolis, won $500, and Spencer Hoffman, of Cedarville, took home $250.

Kirstyn Suchowski, Cedarville resident and Chippewa County attorney, pulled the three winning raffle tickets for this summer’s Peek-A-Boo Trail fundraiser.

The varied home addresses of this year’s winners highlight broad interest garnered by the Peek-A-Boo Trails project over the summer. Tickets were sold to Les Cheneaux area visitors from 17 states including California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Montana, North Carolina, Utah, and Washington. All total, the trail group sold 219 tickets and raised $2378.70 for trail development and maintenance – not including Ms. Mather’s donation of $500.

Along with the raffle, a variety of baseball caps with the Peek-a-Boo Trails logo were sold. Hats are still available at Applecore General Store in Cedarville and Woods & Waters in Hessel.

When finished, Peek-A-Boo Trails will offer a 3.8-mile all-season mountain biking trail with dedicated intermediate and expert routes. The construction of Peek-a-Boo Trails is primarily being funded by a $267,000 DNR Trust Fund Grant.

Construction of the trail is underway, and the advisory committee continues to hold volunteer work sessions to build boardwalks over sensitive areas of the trail as designed by the architect and approved the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). If the weather cooperates, the advisory committee is hopeful that a portion, if not all, of the trail might open later this fall.

“We remain hopeful the trail will be ready by the end of 2024,” Murray said. “The momentum we are seeing for support of the trails from people in the Les Cheneaux community and across the country has been outstanding. We are eager to wrap up construction and make the trails a reality.”

Murray added the committee needs more volunteers to work and maintain the trail. People interested in joining the volunteer trail team can sign up at

Clark Township does provide a small budget in recreation funds for the maintenance of Peek-a-Boo trails, but the amount does not cover the entire need. Fundraising is critical to trail development and operations. Several area businesses and residents have stepped up to support various aspects of the project and trail construction so far, and more opportunities to help support the project with specifically targeted donations or trail sections will be announced in the weeks ahead.

For all the latest on the trails project, visit or follow @Peek-A-Boo Trails on Facebook and Instagram.

“Alone we can do so little;
together we can do so much.”

— Helen Keller


The Peek-A-Boo Trails committee is made of a fun and energetic team of volunteers who are dedicated to making the dream of a top-notch biking and hiking trail a reality for the residents and visitors of the Les Cheneaux Islands.

If you have the passion for outdoor recreation and the gift of time or a specific organizational skillset, let us know by filling out the form below.

We’d love to hear from you! We can always use extra hands and hearts with respect to Trail Maintenance, Promotions (Website and Social Media), Fundraising, and Event Planning.

We can do more —
with your help!

Even with our Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund grant, the Peek-A-Boo Trails project won’t be completely finished or all site needs met.

We have big dreams of adding additional trail loops, bathrooms, and trail overlooks — and of course the trail will require ongoing maintenance by both Clark Township and volunteers.

If you are willing to make a donation, every amount helps! Donations will be transferred to Clark Township and earmarked for the Peek-A-Boo Trails. If you are interested in making a larger donation, please email us or reach out to Clark Township directly.

Financial and In-Kind Supporters

These donors helped us exceed the 25 percent match requirement for our $267,000 DNR Trust Fund Grant and/or have provided a significant gift to help fund ongoing trail development and operations. Islands Wildlife provided a donation to cover the costs of wetlands delineation. Carmeuse donated 100 tons of limestone for trail construction. Traction Trailworx donated time and materials over and above its contract commitment to building the trail. And, Tri-County Building Centers donated all of the pressure-treated lumber for 800 feet of trail boardwalks.

Bob Arfstrom

Lynn Brown & Bob Stefanski

Carmeuse Cedarville Operation

Central Savings Bank

Clark Township Board of Trustees

DNR Recreation Improvement Fund

First National Bank of St. Ignace

Floatation Docking Systems

Kim & Richard Hanna

Clarissa & Paul Heil

Islands Wildlife Association

Diane & Jim Keighley

Les Cheneaux Community Foundation

Olivia McCullough

Loons Point Campground

The Narley Whale / Pammi Harrison

Soo Co-op Credit Union

Tri-County Building Centers

Traction Trailworx

UP Credit Union

Pat Wilson
